How to maintain your brand in a digital era

/ 12 March, 2025 /        

The rapid advancement in technology has made it a necessity for brands to embrace digital technology in selling and creating awareness about their products and services. From creating online platforms for consumer engagement to packaging information on products and services for online marketing, the digital space has continued to challenge resilient brands in the quest to remain relevant amidst all the internet noise.

How then can you maintain your brand in a digital era?

Create mobile friendly content

With the advent of the mobile phone technology, the influx of smartphones, especially among millennials continue to demand better digital marketing strategies. Brands now have to optimize their webpages to be mobile friendly, with faster loading speeds. In fact, Google and other Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) reward websites that enable easy navigation for users across mobile devices, with higher organic ranking on SERPs.

The use of mobile apps and particularly mobile messaging enable consumers to keep track of product and service promotions. Apps also provide alternative marketing platforms as is the case with OLX and Jumia which paved the way for development of product specific applications by other local brands such as Safaricom and local news apps like KTN News and Citizen News.

Embrace internet marketing techniques

Popular internet marketing techniques include Paid Search Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Paid Search Marketing utilizes Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC), which charges you for every click on a link that directs your target audience to your product/service webpage; in addition to Google AdWords which utilize a set budget for brands to rank high on SERPs like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The next time you enter a search option and see an item preceded by Ad then you will know that it is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies currently employed. Ads are best used by Jumia and OLX platforms in Kenya.

The alternative for Paid Search Marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEOs), which utilizes quality and quantity of content published on online platforms, in addition to website linkages to other quality sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Google and other search engines reward your brand with higher ranking at no cost, making your brand more visible on SERPS.

Improve your online brand engagement

Whereas it is easier to set up social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to mention a few, much more effort should be placed on online engagement. Timely response to questions posted online, goes a long way in maintaining brand loyalty. It doesn’t always have to be the official, business-like kind of conversation. Mention the person’s username and focus on making the conversation warm and engaging. This strategy has seen improved online engagement by Safaricom, and betting companies like Sportpesa, further boosting its visibility on social media platforms.

It is also important to be consistent in content creation to keep clients coming back to your digital platforms. Share product features and consumer testimonials on your services. Make the conversation more about your consumers and the impact your brand is creating in society, and less about your profit margins and brand growth.

Online engagement also includes handling of negative publicity emanating from social media platforms.

Use infographics and video content

There is so much text information online that more people are reading less. According to statistics, an average human being remembers 20% of what they read in comparison to 65% of what they watch. This is because visual content requires very little effort to follow and understand.

With the advent of YouTube, leading brands are embracing short videos highlighting their impact in society, as well as utilizing client testimonials which get a wider audience reach in comparison to text information.

The use of images and videos which communicate processes are also essential in getting consumers involved. Communicating financial facts and other data using infographics simplifies them for online audiences, providing more engagement as opposed to when data is displayed in text format. The IEBC’s social media platforms are an example of effective use of infographic and short videos with visual tutorials highlighting voting procedures.

Way forward

In a nutshell, successful brands require competent digital marketing departments. With the right team in place, you can subject the various strategies adopted to analytics and determine whether or not the strategies you employed are working.




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