Interview: June Syowia, CEO Beiless Group

/ 12 March, 2025 /        

The Cytonn eHub takes a break this weekend and we took this time to catch up with June Syowia, one of the participants of Cytonn eHub Season 2. At just 22 years, June is the CEO of Beiless Group, a Digital Marketing Agency. She was featured in the Top 40 Under 40 Women in 2015 by the Business Daily Africa, The 100 Most Influential Young Kenyans 2016, as well as the Global Student Award, Kenya 2017. Today, June takes time off her busy schedule to share in our Q&A session:

Victor: So who is June and why entrepreneurship?

June: June is an innovative young entrepreneur seeking to put Africa on the map by creating long-term solutions through business and social impact. I aspire to rise above mediocrity and all odds to become a force of positive energy and change.

Victor: If you weren’t the CEO of Beiless Group, what would you be doing?

June: Interesting question… I would probably be running a manufacturing company. I am a creative. The idea of building something from concept development all the way to having an end product fascinates me.

Victor: That’s interesting June, please tell us more about Beiless and your unique value proposition.

June: Beiless Group is a creative agency focusing on digital and experiential marketing. We also cover digital technology in terms of e-commerce and web development. I founded Beiless in December 2015; we are turning two this year! We are based at Hazina Towers 9th floor on Utalii Lane. So far, we have worked with 52 clients from Kenya. We have an expansion plan into the region in the next 6 months. We are a team of 4 people and we strongly believe the evolution of the digital space is something to watch. We have something cooking so watch out :-)

Victor: What would you regard as your greatest challenges so far, and have you been able to overcome them?

June: My greatest challenge has been ensuring the organizational structure of the company is in place. I am a social and simple person. As long as the work gets done and we have great results then everything is perfect for me. I started by slowly enacting the company structures and ensuring everything is set accordingly. I know they exist for a reason, but we are doing great so far.

Victor: You have obviously already come a long way in your entrepreneurial journey, why join Cytonn eHub?

June: Yes, I actually have but despite me being an entrepreneur, I have never attended any business training. I thirst for knowledge and no one can ever claim to be a guru in anything if they have not mastered their craft. Being equipped with the knowledge to maneuver through anything is essential and I knew I could get this from Cytonn eHub. We have training from seasoned experts in different fields and this has been a great place to network and meet like-minded entrepreneurs.

Victor: What has stood out for you so far in the 9 weeks of training?

June: The 9 weeks been very comprehensive from the assignments to the weekly perspectives to the trainers. I have learnt so much about myself and my business from observing and listening to people. The thoroughness of the whole program has been a thrill!

Victor: Any last words to your fellow youth on entrepreneurship?

June: Entrepreneurship is quite a ride. Be in business to be in business, not to please people. Don’t try to be everything, you’ll be tempted but don’t. Once you start, belittle yourself until profit starts trickling in and most importantly, always be detailed about your business.

Victor: Thanks a lot for your time June, and all the best as you keep pushing to improve yourself and your company.

June: Thank you, Victor. You’ve been very resourceful. The only way is up!




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